
Brookfield School Reunion -16th November 2013.

Having missed the previous 43 years of school reunions I decided to take the plunge and attend the November reunion at Carlisle Rugby Club.

 Kate English and Marion Hope who arranged the reunion were able to use the relatively new Brookfield  Facebook  site ,the WOSA site and their own personnel connections (which seem considerable) to ensure that as many ‘Brookies’ as possible were informed about the event. Those attending came from near and far, a few Scots like me, the majority from the north of England and good representation from the midlands.

The evening itself was a great opportunity for people to make connections, reminisce and to renew and build new friendships, the venue was just the right size for our numbers and it lent itself  to a feeling of intimacy, a disco played in the background though I never actually saw anybody dancing, we were too busy talking about the old days and catching up, there was a buffet that was enjoyed by all and near the close of the evening Helen Morris took the opportunity to say a few words and to raise funds for WOSA through the sale of Brookfield marmalade and of a number limited prints of paintings of Brookfield scenes by the artist and former pupil Malcolm Teasdale, one of which I bought and now takes pride of place hanging on my hall wall.

At the close of the evening we all said our extended goodbyes and whilst a number of us traipsed back to our hotels and a welcoming bed a small contingent of ‘Brookies’ hit the City night life.

The 16th was a tremendous evening and many of us look forward to the summer reunion. I would personally encourage those that may be hesitant to attending such a reunion to take the plunge as I and many others have, you will find ‘Brookies’ are an inclusive bunch and will welcome you with open arms.

Lastly a heartfelt thank you to Kate and Marion for the tremendous effort they put in to make this event happen, for me and I am sure for many others, it was a truly memorable evening.   

John Bernklow  


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