Odd (perhaps not odd but comforting) to realise that Carlisle Football Club has become so familiar to Old Scholars. It may be that our connection with the club in the person of Andrew Jenkins has something to do with it.
In any event it has proved to have given us, as that confusing football cliché has it, “a result” by drawing 80 Old Scholars or “Brookies” to the 2016 gathering, a little but not significantly down on last year.
Once assembled we chatted over the welcoming cup that “clears today of past regrets and future fears” repairing fractured time lines as we caught up with the latest thrilling instalment of the lives of much valued friends, glancing the while, hoping to see a familiar face coming through the door.
The formality of the Annual General Meeting followed, highlighting the virtues of consensus, prevarication, tolerance and spirit that Brookfield fostered in us.
After lunch many of us withdrew to an anteroom where Arnold Snowball presented a paper outlining the School history up to the date of closure. As he and Helen could almost be considered as “insiders”, his take on events proved insightful, measured and informative. The text will be available on the web-site in due course and we hope that members who could not attend will use it to discover more about the closing years of the school.
Dinner in the evening was a great success with the gastronomic complementing the verbal offerings perfectly, round a well thought out seating plan. Jill Forrest completed her year in office as President with a thought provoking address before she handed over her badge of office to Maurice Tate, the President elect for 2016/7.
No doubt “Private Enterprise” filled the downtime between the end of dinner on Saturday and the gathering at Denton House on Sunday, some attending Meeting for Worship in Carlisle while others journeyed to Mosedale.
The Association “Cloud” seems to act as a repository for all of our accumulated “Brookfield” experience and memory and we are free to upload or download using our built-in nostalgia App.
We missed Patsy and we said farewell to some office bearers and welcomed the heroism of those who took their place. Although aware of a slight thinning of the ranks, we were grateful for the presence of all who made it to another memorable Annual Reunion.
Cameron Walker
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