
Trans-Pennine Reunion - September 2013

The usual crowd assembled for the “Trans-Pennine reunion”, this time hosted at the home of Malcolm and Bryony Bell in Leeds.

Most of us arrived without difficulty but as usual one party were  unable to find the house, even with the high-tech (for them) use of Sat Nav. The fact that they had used the wrong Post Code did not help, and there was much discussion about whose fault it was that the wrong post code had been used. Mobile phones came to the rescue however and the missing couple were eventually guided to base by Malcolm.

Once we were all assembled lunch was served, and a very fine meal it was, with choices of main course and of dessert.

 Suitably refreshed we proceeded to the main reason for the meeting. Reminiscences of school life and inspection of many photographs. Some of these had been the property of Fred Bell, and we looked for ourselves on the pictures of the gym displays at GM Day as well as on the group photographs.

 The Bell’s house is situated beside a large wooded area, and the bird lovers amongst us were treated to a wide variety of bird life arriving at the feeding stations, star of the show being a family of Nuthatches (photograph included in gallery).

Bryony had made a special WOSA cake, decorated with ribbons in the school colours and after we had enjoyed a slice of cake and a cup of tea it was time to go, and we left with promises to keep in touch and attend the next meeting.



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