2014 saw, if not a new chapter, at least a new paragraph in the history of our organisation. Our ever efficient committee, having sought our needs at last year's reunion, decided that this year all events would be at one venue and, as one of our number Andrew Jenkins is part owner of Carlisle Football Club, everything was arranged at Brunton Park. Unfortunately Andrew was not able to attend any of the events having been whisked. away on holiday, the Saturday being his birthday. Let us hope that he will be available in future years - Deo Gratias.
Coming together for coffee and biscuits on Saturday morning fortified us for the Annual General Meeting immediately afterwards and gave us time to meet those we hadn't seen since last year in Aspatria. The first surprise was to discover that Malcolm Bell was in the Chair having been co-opted at short notice to replace Fred Hall who had to withdraw from the post because his work load made him unavailable to attend meetings on a regular basis. (Who heard him on Any Answers on Radio 4 talking about Police corruption in the Met?) Malcolm filled Fred's shoes admirably and the meeting ran like clockwork. Lunch came hard on the heels of the AGM, in fact the hot food was brought in a while before we were ready to eat and, on the whole, many people were a bit disgruntled by the standard of lunch for the cost. This was the only blot on an otherwise very successful weekend.
Going our separate ways after talking and listening our way through lunch gave us time to prepare for the evening ahead. Convening again at Foxy's Restaurant, all spruced up and raring to go, we had time to mingle over a leisurely drink and view the display of photos and memorabilia before taking our marked places at table. What a splendid idea to group contemporaries together. I, for one, was delighted to be dining with friends of long standing including Ralph Palim and partner Rose who were over from Brussels for the occasion. There was the hand over of the Presidency when the badge was passed to Helen Morris who then regaled us with an address full of reminiscence and humour. She then encouraged us all to order fleeces embroidered with the school badge which, at that time of the evening, sounded too good an opportunity to pass up. More raffle prizes were won or lost and the day concluded on a euphoric cloud.
Sunday morning gave us the chance to attend Friends' Meeting at either Carlisle or Mosedale. Our preference was Mosedale, a lovely ancient Meeting House on the fells. What better way to spend a sunny Sunday morning relaxing mentally. Then it was back to Hesket Newmarket for lunch at Denton House. It was a very small but select group that gathered for an excellent repast where we were joined by Evelyn Tickle in good form and looking just the same as when we last saw her. Let us hope she can come again next year.
Congratulations to the WOSA Committee for staging another great weekend and let us all look forward to the next time.
Tony Kemp.
Saturday Evening Dinner
It was 15 years ago that I last attended the Saturday evening dinner. When registering I wondered whether any of my age-mates would be there. I was not disappointed. Our round table of nine included seven old scholars, all having overlapped at Brookfield in the late ‘40s and early ‘50s. Of course there was much reminiscing but also a lot of talk about what we had been doing in the 60+ years since we left school. We really enjoyed ourselves and judging by the laughter drifting over from the other tables occupied by “younger old scholars”, so did they.
Speeches were made. Helen Morris, taking over from Malcolm Bell, gave the main address. She also sold several very attractive Brookfield fleeces.
A super evening. I won’t let another 15 years slip by before returning.
Ralph Palim
WOSA Annual Reunion 2014
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